Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Regular Council Meeting January 10, 2023

Happy 2023! It was a quiet Christmas break for Council - I started back last week as Deputy Mayor in our Agenda Planning meeting, but otherwise had a solid break with my family.

Agenda highlights

DARP Amendments - Public Hearing

This is second and third reading of a bylaw to amend our Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan, “to ensure alignment with the newer Municipal Development Plan (MDP), and the forthcoming Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Update”. At first reading, there was some discussion about the value of this clean-up before more extensive updates to the Land Use Bylaw are complete and it was advised that it is appropriate to make the DARP changes now.

Environmental Advisory Committee Annual Report

This is to accept the 2022 EAC report. This committee of volunteers always provides excellent perspective on City activities. Last year, they provided advice on the Community Recognition Program, Environmental Initiatives Grant Program (EIGP) Recipients, a Sustainable Building Policy Review, Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP), and Climate Adaptation Plan. They also met for a longer-term EAC plan, the results of which will be released next year.

“The 2023 proposed priorities for the EAC are:
1. Recommend 2023 Environmental Initiatives Grant Program and Community Recognition
Program (environmental stewardship category) Recipient.
2. Provide advice on the update and review of Water Conservation Bylaw and Sustainable
Building Policy.
3. Provide advice on the development of urban biodiversity pilot education programming (i.e.,
native bees, urban coyotes).”

EAC Recommendation - Environmental Initiatives GranTs

This motion is to approve the recipient recommendations of the Environmental Advisory Committee for this grant program. They are recommending funding for:

  • Braeside Pop Up Neighbourhood Garden ($2,750)

  • Coal Mine Road Community Garden Rainwater Capture System ($4,850)

  • Grandin Village Community Garden Enhancement ($3,789)

  • Joseph M Demko Biodiversity Project ($1,528)

  • Paul Kane High School - Botanical Studies Course ($4,695)

  • Riverlot 56 Naturalization Project ($3,495)

  • St. Albert Botanic Park - Sustainable Soil Project ($4,003)

  • St. Albert Catholic High School River Education Mentorship Program ($2,010)

  • St. Albert Catholic High School Space Club; Air Quality Balloon Project ($1,080)

  • Urban garden space focused on the education of growing indigenous medicinal plants, fostering no till garden techniques, etc. ($5,000)

Disestablishment of the Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission

This is a Council motion to start the process of dismantling the regional transit agreement, but the process to disestablish is effectively already in progress since Edmonton has decided not to pay their portion of Commission requisition. My guess is that we will discuss either postponing or withdrawing this motion pending formal decisions of the EMTSC board.

Firehall 4 Scope

This is a motion from an individual member of Council to direct Administration to create a “revised scope Firehall #4 project charter for a 2-bay, 6 sleeping unit [using] standard construction building… by April 30, 2023”.

“If Council approves both this motion and then subsequently directs construction of a brick-and-mortar
building for the new fire hall that direction may result in further construction delays, additional costs,
as well as extending the current level of risk associated with responding to emergencies to St. Alberts
north end. One last benefit of modular, is it allows the building to be built offsite while the site is being
prepared - saving time and money.”

This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Last week + Regular SCOW January 17, 2023

Last week + Committee of the Whole December 13, 2022