Through a commitment to social, environmental, and economic sustainability, Natalie's actions on Council have included strengthening supports for vulnerable persons within St. Albert and supporting sustainable development.
During her first term, Natalie completed an MBA from Athabasca University. From 2016-2022, she also volunteered as an Affiliate Photographer with Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, an organization that provides bereavement portraiture to families experiencing the loss of an infant. Natalie is now the Executive Director of ElderCare Edmonton, where she balances this full-time role with her part-time role on Council.
With over 20 years of involvement with the local whitewater kayaking community, Natalie is also an avid outdoor enthusiast. More recently, she joined the Alberta Mycological Association, where she is learning more about the critical importance of biodiversity and sustainable land use practices. As the partner of an artist, she also understands the importance of supports for Arts and the resulting impact to communities.
Natalie is a vocal supporter of sustainable economic, environmental, and social practices to ensure that St. Albert continues to thrive. She is excited for the future of St. Albert and envisions a future where residents continue to benefit from the sense of community that is the foundation of our municipality.