Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Last week + Committee of the Whole December 13, 2022

Last week

As we get closer to the Christmas break, it starts to feel busy as we pack in events and meetings before the new year. This year is no exception. Highlights of the week include:

Chamber of Commerce Christmas Luncheon: Once again, the Chamber hosted a fantastic Christmas get-together to celebrate business in St. Albert. This is always an excellent opportunity to connect with business leaders, school board trustees, and community members.

Youth Advisory Committee: At this month’s meeting, I walked through some of the budget motions that Council voted on over the last couple weeks. The most lively discussion was around what qualifies as confidential information after pointing out the background information for one motion was completely confidential - I loved the questions about FOIP and the interest in how the City manages FOIP requests. This group continues to impress with their curiosity & passion.

Agenda highlights

Community Amenities Site - Concept Planning

We’re starting our meeting with this in-camera item, which could take a while.

Inclusive Hiring Policy Update

This is an update about an internal policy related to the hiring of Persons with Disabilities, with funding for this purpose expected to end in 2023. My questions will focus on how we make our hiring genuinely inclusive on an ongoing basis, rather than relying on short-term project funding.

“The largest barrier and point of feedback to the City’s [Inclusive Hiring] program is that dedicated funding has been temporary/project in nature. Department hiring managers are concerned that with limited growth and only project funding, term assignments (or employment) will end if the employee does not transition to alternative City positions (whether temporary or permanent). For employees, similarly, they are concerned that temporary funding will be depleted and there may be no alternative that provides the flexibility and accommodations needed. The organization’s lean state and limited growth has restricted the ability to convert term employees into lasting employment relationships.”

Non-Resident Recreation User Fees

Administration estimates that we would take in an additional $20,000/year in revenue if we started charging non-resident user fees for recreation memberships or program registrations to those who live in a municipality that does not have an intermunicipal collaboration framework (ICF) in place. An ICF is an agreement regarding recreation sharing - we already have ones with Morinville & Edmonton. Because our computer systems are not set up to manage these types of fees automatically, the process would be quite cumbersome should it be implemented. Although the administrative recommendation following previous Council direction is to implement these fees starting in September, I would prefer we finalize an ICF with Sturgeon County rather than implement these fees.

Transportation Network Improvement Strategy

Through $125,000 in funding provided by the province, a report identifying priorities for network improvements that may serve and benefit both [Sturgeon County and City of St. Albert] and highlight conceptual cost level estimates to construct the projects” was completed. There are no planned actions related to these projects, but they could be the he focus of future capital grant requests or collaborative projects. This item is to accept the report as information. Near-term (2030 horizon) priorities were ranked as follows:

  1. 127 Street Extension – Anthony Henday Drive to Sturgeon Road

  2. Neil Ross Road Extension (Two Lanes) - Element Drive to Coal Mine Road

  3. Potential Interchange at Ray Gibbon Drive / McKenney Ave

  4. Potential Interchange at Ray Gibbon Drive / Giroux Rd

  5. Signalization or Roundabout of Bellerose Dr & Starkey Rd

  6. Campbell Rd Extension – Centre Street to Poundmaker Rd

  7. Poundmaker Rd Extension – Veness Road to 127 Street

Carrot Creek Drainage Master Plan

Through an Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) grant of $100,000 to complete the Carrot Creek Regional Master Drainage study “to develop proactive measures to protect Carrot Creek, accommodate
future growth, and develop a stormwater management strategy in the watershed”. St. Albert initiated this study in partnership with Morinville and Sturgeon County:

“A consensus agreement letter stating the recommendation circulated to all the stakeholders was agreed upon by all and is currently being signed. The consensus agreement will be used for the final Water Act approval application to the Government of Alberta… The final step is to apply for a Water Act fence line approval from AEPA (Alberta Environment and Protected Areas).”

This item is to accept the report as information.

This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Regular Council Meeting January 10, 2023

Last weeks + Regular Council Meeting December 6, 2022

Last weeks + Regular Council Meeting December 6, 2022