Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Last week + Regular Council Meeting January 11, 2021

Last week

From a Facebook post this week: I was asked recently if I find it difficult to continue following the health recommendations after seeing so many people disregard them. My short answer is... No, the actions of others don't impact my resolve. This is excruciating - missing in-person contact with loved ones, not being permitted to grieve together, cancelled events, lost livelihoods - but I will continue to hold on.

Early last month before the restrictions against outdoor gatherings, I asked my parents if they wanted to schedule an outdoor "Christmas" visit. Our physically distanced porch visit was different from our typical family tradition, but we're committed to do our part to reduce risk to our community.

My brother, who I haven't seen since the summer, said "Christmas happens whenever we make it happen" when I commented that this is the first time our kids won't hang out over the holiday. I miss my niece and nephews, but we'll celebrate together when it's safe to do so.

That said, I am incredibly fortunate to live with my best friend and our kids, and be employed in a role where I can work remotely. I can't begin to understand what this lockdown is like for those living alone, those separated from their families due to hospitalization or other circumstance, those who are exposed to health risks in the course of their jobs, or those who have lost their livelihoods through this crisis.

As we navigate the challenges of the months ahead, my hope is that we make every effort to reduce risk to our community, and also show kindness and compassion to those whose struggles we may not understand. This is a long road, and we can get through this together.


Agenda Committee

Although January has light agendas, we’ll be dealing with some challenging decisions over the next months. To avoid having to wait until our next regular meeting on January 25, it is also likely that Mayor Heron will call a Special Meeting of Council next week to consider a Code of Conduct complaint against one of our members.

Agenda Highlights

This will be an exclusively virtual meeting as we respond to heightened pressures from the pandemic.

Time Extension Request - Flyers

This motion is to give Administration more time to complete a bylaw relating to unsolicited mail. We’ll see this come back to Council in Q2.

This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can also register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Update + Committee Meetings January 18, 2021

Update + Committee Meetings January 18, 2021

Last weeks + continuing education update 2021