Update + Committee Meetings January 18, 2021
Over the Christmas break, I was interviewed by the Gazette in a regular end-of-year piece. I'm always unsure about how these interviews will turn out, but the reporter was fair for this one. Of note, I said we need to plan for aquatics and ice. And I didn't say I was undecided about running in 2021, just that I'd announce something in the new year. It's been a wild three years - Thank you, St. Albert! (Sometimes it's handy to live with an award-winning photographer, like when the paper needs a photo during a pandemic...)
CLSC agenda highlights
WILDNorth Funding Request
We will be considering a one-time grant of $5000 to assist with “St. Albert based wildlife rescue and rehabilitation operations in 2021”. We expect a recommendation for a more permanent funding solution in Q2 or Q3 of 2021.
“WILDNorth received $5,000 per year in 2018 and 2019 through the City’s Environmental Initiative Grant (EIG), administered by the Environmental Advisory Committee (EAC). In 2019, the EAC provided Council with a recommendation to provide support to WILDNorth through annual ongoing funding through the City’s operating budget rather than to continue to support WILDNorth through the EIG program.”
Environmental Advisory Committee 2020 Report and 2021 Priorities
This is a presentation of the EAC annual report and recommended 2021 priorities:
1. Recommend 2021 Environmental Initiatives Grant Program and Community Recognition Program (environmental stewardship category) Recipients
2. Provide advice on the Environmental Master Plan (EMP) update
3. Provide advice on the Parks Bylaw review
4. Provide advice on Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) / Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) Bylaw and program development
CGISC Agenda highlights
Traffic Bylaw Amendments
After years of research and engagement with St. Albert residents, Administration is proposing significant changes to speeds in St. Albert. Recommendations include:
1. Reduce Neighbourhood Roads (Locals & Collectors) from 50 km/h to 40 km/h
2. Increase Arterial Segments from 50 km/h to 60 km/h
-Sir Winston Churchill Ave: Riel Dr to Levasseur Rd
-Sir Winston Churchill Ave: North-east of Poirer Ave to N City Limit
-Bellerose Dr: Evergreen Dr to North City Limit
-Sturgeon Rd: Beacon Cres (S) to Boudreau Rd
-Dawson Rd: Giroux Rd to McKenney Ave3. Increase Arterial Segment Meadowview Dr: West of Ray Gibbon to 70 km/h
-Prior to any increase in speed segments complete pedestrian crossing improvements (road markings and warning flashers)4. Remove Existing 30 km/h Segments
-Sturgeon Rd
-Grosvenor Blvd
-Mission Ave
-Grenfell Ave
-Meadowview Dr5. Convert all Elementary School Zones to Playground Zones
6. Removal of 3 Existing Playground Zones
-Deerbourne Drive (south)
-Attwood Drive
-Forest Drive7. Set a Time of Day for Playground Zones as daily from 8 am to 8 pm
An overview of the project and recommendations is available here and the Public Consultation Report is available here. Any recommendations will be presented to Council on January 25 - For any residents wishing to address Council on proposed changes, registration is handled through Legislative Services.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can also register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the stalbert.ca website.