Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Last weeks + Regular Council Meeting May 2, 2023

April flew by quickly! Some of the highlights from the last couple weeks include:

Meeting with Premier Smith: Council had brunch with the premier prior to her Chamber of Commerce Luncheon keynote. This was an opportunity to discuss our priorities, which include developing Lakeview Business District, building the St Thomas St. affordable housing project, and others.

Chamber of Commerce Luncheon: As always, it’s great to touch-base with business owners, school board trustees and administrators, and nonprofit leaders at this regular event.

Annual Meeting with the Arts and Heritage Foundation: This meeting was an excellent opportunity to discuss priorities with AHF. They are doing fabulous work and they’re an amazing partner to the city. With their summer season starting up, I encourage everyone to check out the art gallery, museum, and heritage sites.

Seniors Advisory Committee: The SAC met for their regular meeting and discussed their recommendation to Council for the future of the committee.

ASCHA Affordable Housing Task Force Meeting: I was recently appointed by Alberta Municipalities to sit on this committee. As my first meeting with this group, it was an interesting perspective looking more at the administrative side of affordable housing operations, and a reminder about provincial & federal advocacy opportunities.

Homeland Housing Board Meeting: It was wonderful getting out to Morinville to meet with the Homeland Board. We’re continuing work on the St. Thomas Street project, and operations continue to be doing well.

Agenda highlights

Jensen Lakes redistricting

This is a bylaw that outlines how the phase of Jensen Lakes just north of Villeneuve Rd and west of Jensen Gate will be developed, with both parks and residential development. Currently, this land is in a urban development holding district awaiting applications from developers.

Community Capital Program Grant($314,830)

The Community Services Advisory Committee, a committee of community volunteers recruited to advise Council, is recommending the following grant allocations:

  • Ecole Marie Poburan Parent Society Playground Replacement ($65,000)

  • Friends of Bertha Kennedy School Society Playground Replacement ($65,000)

  • Society of Friends for the St. Albert Botanic Park New Second Garage / Storage Building ($60,000)

  • St. Albert Curling Club Roof Repair, Boiler Replacement, Paint Refresh & Blinds ($20,000)

  • St. Albert Men’s Slowpitch Association Concession, Beverage Room, Dug out Refurbishing Project ($45,000)

  • The Royal Canadian Legion St. Albert Branch #271 HVAC Renovation & Replacement ($59,830)

Community Events Grant ($20,200)

The Community Services Advisory Committee is recommending the following grant allocations:

  • Africans & African Descendants Friendship Club of St. Albert Taste of Africa 2023 ($5,000)

  • Dynamyx Gymnastics Club 30th Anniversary Celebration ($2,000)

  • Outloud Foundation for LGBTQ Community Supports & Services Pride Prom ($3,200)

  • St. Albert Latin Cultural Association 2023 St. Albert Latin Festival ($5,000)

  • St. Albert Minor Hockey Association U17AAA Albert Provincial Championships ($5,000)

“The total funding available in the 2023 Community Event Grant Program is $77,800. The amount of
funding available for allocation within the “Ad Hoc” category in 2023 totals $46,060... A fall intake… for the remaining $26,060 will take place in September 2023”

Budget Adjustments & 2023 Tax rate

In December, Council approved a budget that would have resulted in a 4.9% tax increase. As always, we are updating the budget to reflect a finalized budget - This year, it means the tax rate increase will be reduced to 4.1%. This is due to increased assessment growth, increases to our provincial operating grant, an increase of investment revenue, and increased electrical franchise fee revenue, which offset an increase to employee benefit costs due to higher premiums for group benefits and WCB premiums.

Kingswood Park Disc Golf (+$42,000)

Admin is recommending a significant increase to the budget, from $100,000 to $142,000, for this project because of:

· “Inflationary costs being significantly higher than could be anticipated.
· Relatively small scope of the project driving up unit rates.
· A change from concrete to artificial turf tee pads [to accommodate nordic ski track uses].
· Increased design costs due to necessary rework [to accommodate nordic ski track uses].”

With the development of this new site, we plan on dismantling the Lanholm Park course so that the baskets can be repurposed in Kingswood. I plan on asking what the cost would be to keep the existing course at Langholm rather than repurposing the baskets as I understand there is a desire from the disc golf community to keep the existing course

.This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Regular Committee of the Whole May 9, 2023

Announcement & Committee Meeting April 11, 2023

Announcement & Committee Meeting April 11, 2023