Last week + Committee of the Whole October 10, 2023
Last week
We’re starting one of the busiest times of year for Council, and last week started off this season with a bang!
Nominating Committee: As we do each year, Council met to determine the internal and external committees that we’ll be appointed to for the coming year. These appointments will be made official at our organizational meeting in a few weeks.
Youth Advisory Committee: Although we didn’t make quorum this month, those who were around at the beginning of the meeting were greeted by most of Council to offer our thanks for their service over the past year.
Annual Meeting with Library Board: Council met with the library board to discuss their 2024 budget ask and review their year. This was also an opportunity for Council to thank the board for their service over the past year.
Agenda Highlights
This is expected to be a long meeting, with two in-camera items at the end of the meeting. I have a conflict in the morning, but I hope to join the meeting at some point.
Additional Fountain Park Infrastructure Options
This is a recommendation to engage the Youth Advisory Committee and complete a small public survey to have them consider options for new amenities at Fountain Park, possibly including climbing wall extension panels ($25,000) that would double the width of the existing wall or an inflatable water play system ($40,000) that could be used during special events. (Fun fact: Fountain had an inflatable water play thing suspended above the leisure “big” pool deep end sometime in the early/mid 90’s that lifeguards would lower during public swim. As one of the kids who swam every day, I remember having a blast on that thing - but it must have been smaller than the one proposed here!)
This recommendation is in response to a council motion directing Administration to find amenities that appeal to “a wider age range” because the waterslide was removed & replaced with a water feature that is more for little kids - but we haven’t received any feedback suggesting that there are concerns with the amenity that was selected. My only real question would be how a new amenity, whether it’s $25,000 or $40,000, would fit with our capital growth priorities.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.