Last weeks + Regular Council Meeting August 29, 2021
Last weeks highlights
Youth Advisory Committee Interviews: Councillor Brodhead & I interviewed a stellar group of young people for mid-year appointments to this committee. As always, I am incredibly impressed with the passion of the young people who step up for this role. We’ll be recruiting for more members during our normal fall recruitment process, so please share with any younger residents who might be interested!
Community Recognition Event: It was wonderful to meet all the recipients and supporters at this event celebrating residents and former residents who have made a significant contribution to our community. This is the first time we’ve come together for this celebration since before the pandemic hit, so it was a particularly special time.
Council in the Community: Last term, Council tried to start a tradition of hosting an event to connect with residents in an informal setting, but we were sidelined after the 2019 inaugural event. Thank you to everyone who came out to chat with Council & I look forward to making this happen again in 2023!
Agenda highlights
Monday’s agenda is the lightest we’ve had - and will have - in months!
Quarterly Policing Update
This regular update is helpful to understand the continued challenges and successes in our community in terms of policing, and for an awareness of the costs and impacts of our local RCMP.
2022-2025 Corporate Business Plan
In response to Council’s Strategic Plan, the administrative Business Plan outlines municipal initiative that will support Council priorities through this term, including:
-Completion of servicing design for Lakeview Business District.
-Developing a future land use concept for the lands encompassing the west side of Ray Gibbon Drive, including the Lakeview Business District and Badger Lands.
-Completion the update of the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) to modernize and align the LUB with the new Municipal Development Plan.
-Completion of detailed design inclusive of public engagement and construction for the Millennium Park site.
-Completion of a concept plan and high-level costing for the new community amenities site in the Cherot neighbourhood, in alignment to recreation priorities.
-Deliver programs that provide incentives to encourage residential property owners to implement energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades. Planned programs include the Clean Energy Improvement Program (CEIP) and the Home Energy Efficiency Grant.
-Develop a long-term debt strategy and update the policy.
-Implement Recommendations from the Procurement Audit…
-Complete mandatory replacement of the current 911 system and related processes.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of my activities as a councillor and Council meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Residents can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.