Regular Council Meeting April 19, 2022
Our Tuesday meeting is expected to be another long one. Chambers have also been open to the public for a few weeks now, but we continue to accommodate staff, members of Council, and members of the public with virtual Zoom options for participation. I was attending in-person earlier in the year, but have shifted to virtual meetings over the last few weeks. A couple councillors have attended meetings virtually since we reconvened after the Christmas break and another has attended virtually on occasion, but almost all of us are attending events that require in-person attendance. This hybrid system is challenging to get used to, but we’re finding a new routine.
Agenda highlights
Parks Bylaw
Admin has been working on the first major update to our Parks bylaw in decades, but last week, the Community Living Standing Committee rejected the proposal (Heron & McKay in favour, Hughes & Biermanski opposed - a tie means it’s defeated). However, Councillor McKay has advised that he will move the recommended motion presented by Administration. Proposed updates address:
-More flexibility for establishment of rules that are site specific…
-Removal of provisions covered in other Bylaws (e.g. firearms)…
-Adding provisions for events and businesses.
-Adding provisions around encroachments…
-Adding a section on environmental protections.
-Addressing previous Council direction regarding alcohol in parks.
This is another administrative recommendation that was rejected by the Community Living Standing Committee (Heron in favour, and McKay/Hughes/Biermanski opposed):
Last term, “Council approved a motion directing Administration to develop recommendations for a bylaw that protects the river valley area, natural areas, and parklands. This motion was made prior to the development and approval of Flourish, the City’s new Municipal Development Plan (MDP)…” As the new MDP reflects the intent of this motion and as as upcoming changes to the Land Use Bylaw will also reflect these values, Admin is recommending we rescind the previous motion.
I’m not sure if this will be reconsidered at Council - Councillor Killick and I were also in favour, but not voting members of the committee, so if Councillor Brodhead is also in favour (also not a member), that would mean it passes. If it stays on the books, I assume the same recommendation will come when the Land Use Bylaw changes are presented.
Auditor’s Year-end Communication
Every year, we are required to engage an external auditor. The 2021 audit was typical, with a positive opinion that “the accompanying financial statements present fairly… in accordance with Canadian public sector accounting standards”. Our auditor made a few comments related to policies, capital assets, and the Edmonton Metropolitan Transit Services Commission (we provided a loan guarantee, which is not typical) - but administrative response effectively addressed any concerns.
Audited Financial Statements & Annual Report
The 2021 report is ready for approval. Last year continued to be impacted by the pandemic, but we still completed our new Municipal Development Plan, completed major work on Ray Gibbon & St. Albert Trail, and started servicing the new Cherot neighbourhood.
Alberta Municipalities 2022 Resolutions Submissions
Alberta Municipalities is an advocacy body representing municipalities and St. Albert often sponsors resolutions. This year, administration is proposing that they draft resolutions on the Equitable Provincial Charitable Gaming Model and the Temporary Rental Assistance Benefit.
Possibly related, St. Albert was asked by the National Police Federation to join their “Call to Action to the Government of Alberta to halt the idea of a new provincial police service and to invest the proposed new monies into underfunded critical services within Alberta”. Although we missed the deadline for this particular request, municipalities across Alberta have been advocating for the cessation of the provincial police force push and we might want to take a lead through ABMunis. Last month, the Rural Municipalities of Alberta passed a resolution titled Continued Support for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Alberta, which I suspect is similar to what would be appropriate for ABMunis.
E-Scooter Program Amendement
This is a proposal to limit the number of e-scooter companies to 4 (there are currently 5) and to reduce the pick-up time for misplaced scooters to 1h (from 48h). It is unknown if 4/5 of the existing companies could accommodate this second change. This is the third time Council has discussed e-scooters this year, so I suspect there will be fewer questions this round since we’re very familiar with the topic.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of my activities as a councillor and Council meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Residents can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.