Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Changing Health Orders - REP & Masking

Changing Health Orders - REP & Masking

The last week has been an experience in seeing how online rumours spread. Since the provincial announcement about the vaccine passport program ending, my inbox has been inundated. Some of these emails are in response to a misunderstanding of how Council decisions are made. To address some of the questions that are floating around:

  1. The City had no warning that the passport program was ending, and our staff worked late on the day of the announcement to ensure our facilities were prepared for the last-minute change.

  2. As far as I know, all municipalities are equally in the dark about CMOH recommendations. I understand the City of Edmonton has requested transparency from the province, but I'm not aware of a provincial response to this request.

  3. Public facilities (Servus, Fountain, etc.) are following provincial health orders, so the REP is no longer in effect. Health Orders regarding masking, etc. are still being followed.

  4. Council is not considering any bylaws or policies related to this change. Council cannot mandate policies or bylaws outside of a public Council meeting.

  5. Safe Workplace policies are still in effect. (Council is not permitted to interfere in Administrative matters as per provincial legislation.)

My thoughts:

As St. Albert continues to see increases in the number of deaths in our community and as immunocompromised Albertans continue to be hospitalized at concerning rates, I worry about the health of the healthcare workers keeping hospitals afloat, the safety of at-risk teachers, and about everyone impacted by severe outcomes of this virus. The lack of transparency or willingness to collaborate from our provincial government is also taking its toll on many Albertans.

Although I'm unsure if the vaccine passport program is still needed to protect the healthcare system, I'm deeply concerned that the public is being kept in the dark regarding the medical rationale for the change in strategy. Regarding masking, I'm horrified that school boards were not engaged in the decision-making process and that teachers have been vilified over concerns about their own safety. I'm also concerned that other stakeholders, like regional Chambers’ of Commerce and municipalities, were not engaged in the provincial response. We would be much more aligned, effective, and successful as a province if we worked together. Without transparency from the provincial government, it is challenging to make informed decisions - even for my own family.

In terms of St. Albert considering implementing a local REP, it is highly unlikely. We don't know if REP is still effective (87% of eligible residents are double-dosed), we don't know the impact of reducing risks to unvaccinated residents through REP, and we don't have the resources to create or enforce a local REP. Business owners I've spoken with are also fearful for the safety of their staff should a bylaw be put in place.

As for the value of different kinds of masking in different settings, I’m still impressed with Dr. Sikora’s explanation at an Emergency Management Advisory Committee meeting last month:

On that note, please be kind. City staff deserve to be spoken to respectfully, as do all community members, staff in businesses, and members of Council. I understand that we're all tired and frustrated, but the abuse and hate I've seen in the last week particularly is heart-breaking. Now is the time to actively listen, be kind, and show empathy to all our neighbours.

This is a brief and incomplete overview of my activities as a councillor and Council meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Residents can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Last week + Committee Meetings February 14, 2022

Last week + Regular Council Meeting February 7, 2022