I was reflecting today on the fact that I’ve been posting meeting highlights for five years now - It’s been a ride! Please reach out any time with suggestions for how I can improve communications or with feedback about the decisions of Council.
Agenda highlights
Public Art at Fowler Athletic Park ($24,000)
The Arts Advisory Committee is recommending that we withdraw from our Public Art Reserve to fund a project at the newly re-opened athletic park between the SAM and Fowler schools. The proposed cost for this project is so low because the artwork will be a vinyl decal mural, up for 5 years, rather than a permanent installation. This would reduce maintenance costs, like what we’re facing with more permanent painted murals, and offer an opportunity for a refresh in a few years.
Internal Audit best practices project ($50,000)
The Internal Audit Steering Committee is recommending that we undertake a project to “establish internal audit practices and processes that best suit the City of St. Albert’s needs”. This comes from an administrative recommendation:
“It is recommended that a risk-based Municipal Internal Audit Practice Scan and Recommendations - Internal Audit Practices approach is used as that is a leading practice. Also, it is recommended that a formal and standard definition for audit and review is established and that a consultant provides recommendations when an audit is required versus review, as part of the work plan, for each of the opportunities identified.”
Detailed Project Charter (Phase 1 & 2) of Fountain Park Pool Renovations
This motion from an individual member of Council is to have administration create & provide detailed project charters for the maintenance projects already underway at Fountain Park. At a high level, these projects are funded through the maintenance funding approved over the last three years - The millions approved for keeping our over-$1B in municipal assets up & running is intended to give Administration the flexibility to respond quickly and plan appropriately to keep our assets in working condition. Administration then undertakes complex assessments to determine priorities and timing of projects.
Phase 1 of the Fountain Park project includes a Fire Alarm and Sprinkler Upgrade, Electrical Upgrade & Electrical Room Refurbishment Mechanical Improvements and HVAC Upgrade, and Exterior Landscaping & Utilities. Phase 2, originally scheduled for 2024 but moved up because of the unexpected structural repairs needed, includes Accessibility Improvements, Pool Deck Tile Replacement, Locker Room Improvements, Aquatics Equipment Improvements, a Parking Lot Replacement, and Building Envelope Improvements.
“Combining the phases of the project into a single lengthened closure generates estimated cost savings of approximately $500,000 and decreases the total duration of closures to this facility by nine weeks versus the originally planned project sequence of two separate facility closures… the decision to collapse Phases 1 and 2 into a single phase does not alter either the overall project scope or necessitate any additional funding beyond what has been already approved.”
Administration does not support this motion because it would increase the length of the Foutain Park closure, risk claims from contractors related to delaying work, and unnecessarily increase administration workload, etc.
LUB - Amendment to Boardwalk District
Councillor Hughes has advised that she is withdrawing her motion to direct Administration to amend the Land Use Bylaw (LUB) to allow “commercial school” in the Boardwalk District. A large refresh of the LUB is planned for early 2023, which will almost certainly include more flexibility for this use based on Administrative recommendations.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of my activities as a councillor and Council meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Residents can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the stalbert.ca website.