Last Council Meeting of the 2017-2021 term - September 13, 2021
Monday marks the last meeting of the 2017-2021 St. Albert Council, which presents an opportunity to thank my council colleagues for their service - and for what I've learned from them - over the past years. One of the legacies of this Council is that we disagreed - a lot! - in ways that were productive, that made our decisions stronger, and showed that politics does not have to be "us" vs. "them". Thank you to each one of those on Council for bringing your perspective, your passion, and your expertise to the table over the last term.
Although Council meetings will end after Monday (unless a Special Council Meeting is called), most committee meetings continue. In keeping with my commitment to accountability, I will keep posting updates on my activities - including meetings of Homeland Housing, the Arts Advisory Committee, etc. through to the completion of this term. I will also complete the last component of my degree in early October, so I will post my last Continuing Education update of the term at that time. Thank you to everyone who has read, provided feedback, and challenged this Council to think harder and work smarter. It has been a honour to serve over these last four years.
Last weeks
Treaty 6 & Métis Flag-raising: It was special seeing the Métis & Treaty 6 flags raised in their permanent spots in front of St. Albert Place. Thank you to everyone who made this event possible.
Suicide Awareness Vigil: Every year, St. Albert hosts this event in recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day. Thank you to City organizers and to everyone who attended.
Special Council Meeting: Mayor Heron called a last-minute meeting in response to rising covid-19 rates and hospitalizations, which was held last Friday morning. At this meeting, Dr. Sikora from Alberta Health Services was able to provide some local context to what we’re facing right now. Thank you to all our staff who responded to the province’s morning press conference announcing new restrictions, and to the team that was on-call on the weekend while we waited for the Health Order referenced in Friday’s press conference to be released.
Homeland Housing: Homeland’s Governance Committee wrapped up most of our policy review over the last two weeks, which will be presented to our board later this month. I also called a Special Meeting for next Monday morning to discuss a land matter - it’s a busy time for St. Albert’s housing body!
Agenda highlights
2021 External Audit Plan
This annual presentation from our external auditors will outline the audit plan for the 2021 year.
Morinville Recreation ICF
Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks (ICFs) help municipalities plan in ways that benefit the region. This ICF with Morinville relates to our shared interest in Recreation, which could include assets like ice rinks and swimming pools.
This agreement is intended to “leverage intermunicipal relationships to build economies of scale, specific to recreation assets... Given that both municipalities are growing, are in ever closer proximity to one another, and have shared pressures and opportunities regarding current and future recreation service provision, this ICF provides a foundation for partnership moving forward and provides structure for ongoing collaboration”.
Disc Golf
Based on research & resident feedback, Administration is recommending that a project charter be prepared for the 2023 budget that proposes an 18-hole permanent disc golf course at Kingswood Park. These courses are inexpensive recreation opportunities and the temporary Langholm course has been a hit - It will be exciting to see if this fits in the 2023 budget.
Edmonton Global Effectiveness Report
Although Admin was tasked with evaluating the effectiveness of our participation with Edmonton Global, this is a challenging ask, both because of the unique challenges of the last couple of years and because large investments can take make years to come to fruition. Of note, St. Albert’s contribution to Edmonton Global has risen from $24,000 in 2017 to $50,000 in 2018, almost $100,000 in 2019, and $162,000 and $168,000 for the last two years. It’s projected to be $238,000 in 2022/23. A two-year notice is required to withdraw from Edmonton Global - Bon Accord, Morinville, and Parkland have given notice.
“From a St. Albert perspective, the City has benefited from being short-listed for two opportunities that were funnelled through Edmonton Global, since the inception of the Investment Plan. One opportunity was lost to a location outside of the Edmonton Metro Region, and the other opportunity is currently active, as the City’s Economic Development department continues to work with the prospective company”.
“In addition to St. Albert’s increased shareholder contributions through the Investment Plan, City Council also committed $145,154 to the Regional Air Service Opportunity Fund in 2021 and may consider additional funding in 2022 and 2023... Since the establishment of the fund, Edmonton International Airport has added direct flights to… Las Vegas (Flair Airlines - December to Spring), Hollywood-Burbank (Flair Airlines - December to Spring), Phoenix (Flair Airlines - December to Spring), [and] Palm Springs (Flair Airlines - December to Spring).”
Riverside ASP (1st reading)
This proposal is a “reduction in size of Stormwater Management Facility (SWMF) #4, a corresponding increase of nine residential lots, the addition of laneways within the amendment area, and a slight increase in the size of a park”. 2nd/3rd readings will be later this year.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can also register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.