This week marks the last committee meetings of the term - Whoa!
Last week
Last week was particularly busy with reports to read and resident correspondence, in addition to recurring meetings with the Homeland Housing CEO and Council’s Agenda Committee.
CLSC agenda highlights
Mayor’s Celebration of the Arts
The Arts Advisory Committee has recommended that Council adopt a policy to govern the Mayor’s Celebration of the Arts, which has traditionally included awards for local artists, arts educators, and arts organizations.
Committee Structure Evaluation
Prior to this term, there was one Governance and Priorities Committee to discuss matters rather than the split committee system we currently use. Although Council had intended to review the trial committee structure in 2020, our plans were derailed by priorities brought about by the pandemic response. Admin is recommending that the review be pushed back until 2022/23, but I’m uneasy about this recommendation because of the challenges that have surfaced due to this system. I am, however, interested to hear the perspectives of my Council colleagues as we consider our recommendation for the next Council term.
CGISC agenda highlights
Audit Management Recommendations
This is a report being presented by Administration regarding progress on our external auditor’s recommendation that were received in April.
Committee Structure Evaluation
This is the same item as is being discussed during the morning’s CSLC meeting.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can also register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.