Last weeks + Regular Council Meeting December 6, 2021
Last weeks
Homeland Housing: Homeland managed our first meeting since the election - it’s challenging to find a date that works with busy onboarding schedules and conferences, but we managed. I was re-elected Chair of this board, so I’ll continue in this role for at least one more year.
Committee & Board Appointments: Council spent most of a Saturday interviewing residents interested in serving on Committees of Council, the Library Board, and the Subdivision Development Approvals Board. It is always challenging to select residents because we have so many amazing volunteers who step up for these appointments.
Council Strategic Planning: Council met for a preliminary discussion about what to expect for our strategic planning session, which is planned for February 2022.
AEMA Training: As required by provincial law, Council took the Alberta Emergency Management Agency Elected Officials training course. As always, this was an excellent reminder of Council’s role in emergencies in the context of Alberta legislation.
Lieutenant Governor Tour of St. Albert: Her Honour, the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Salma Lakhani came to St. Albert to learn about our Reconciliation journey and to meet with some of the staff who responded to the Citadel Mews fire. I was impressed with Her Honour’s preparedness and thoughtfulness as she spoke with members of Council and my youngest child.
Agenda Planning: I was elected Chair of St. Albert’s Community Growth & Infrastructure Standing Committee, so I will be attending agenda planning meetings for the next year.
Youth Advisory Committee Meeting: This was the last YAC meeting of 2021, and was primarily spent on introductions and me figuring out what kind of support this group would like from their Council rep. At our January meeting, we’ll welcome new appointees, they will elect a chair and vice-chair, and will discuss 2022 priorities.
Agenda highlights
CLSC Grant Recommendations
With one exception, the Community Living Standing Committee is recommending that we approve FCSS Funding, Outside Agency Grants, and Community Capital Grants as recommended by our Community Services Advisory Committee. The one change is that they recommend that the St. Albert BMX Association be free to re-apply for a Community Capital Grant earlier than the Spring 2022 intake if possible.
Donation of land for affordable housing
Back in 2019, Council directed Administration to initiate an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the lands at 22 St. Thomas Street for the purpose of building affordable housing. Admin is now recommending that we move forward with an agreement with Homeland Housing, our provincially-designated affordable housing body, to build a mixed-income, mixed residential and commercial development on this site. St. Albert’s contribution to this project would be the donation of land.
Government Engagement Strategy
This motion is to approve our priorities in terms of advocacy. Federal priorities include:
Economic/infrastructure stimulus to “stimulate economic activity and improve overall sustainability “.
Affordable housing investment.
RCMP Retroactive Back-Pay.
Provincial priorities include:
Affordable housing investment.
Stable economic stimulus.
EMS contract with AHS.
Transportation and Infrastructure Funding.
AGLC Charitable Gaming Model.
Extended Producer Responsibility.
Jensen Lakes Redistricting (1st reading)
This proposal is for a section of Jensen Lakes, and to schedule a Public Hearing for January 10.
Riverside ASP Amendment - 2nd & 3rd reading
This proposal is a “reduction in size of Stormwater Management Facility (SWMF) #4, a corresponding increase of nine residential lots, the addition of laneways within the amendment area, and a slight increase in the size of a park”.
Parental Leave Bylaw
Back in 2017, Council unanimously approved Councillor Osborne’s motion to direct Admin to prepare a bylaw to permit parental leave by members of Council. Then in 2019, we directed this to be considered by the 2020 Remuneration Committee. As the committee was never stood up, no further action was taken. This motion would bring forward the bylaw prepared by Admin in 2018 to Council (or Committee) for approval. Similar bylaws across Alberta have been passed since the provincial government allowed this change in 2017. If this bylaw is approved at a later date, we would be following Edmonton, Sturgeon County, Lacombe, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Sylvan Lake, and many others.
Notice to Withdraw from Edmonton Global
Edmonton Global is a regional economic development organization, of which St. Albert has been a member since it’s inception in 2017. St. Albert’s contribution has increased from $24,000 in 2017, to $50,000 in 2018, almost $100,000 in 2019, and we estimate almost $240,000 next year. As far as I know, there is no public information about the successes of Edmonton Global, or St. Albert-specific benefits - but that does not mean there are not benefits through involvement in this kind of regional economic advocacy organization. To withdraw from participation, we are required to provide two years’ notice.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. Members of the public can register to speak if they have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.