Earlier this week, Council accepted the draft 2021 budget as information and we started asking questions of Administration and proposing changes. We will continue with departmental presentation this afternoon at 2pm, followed by deliberations starting on the 24th. The 3-page overview prepared by the City provides an excellent snapshot of what we’ll be considering over the next few weeks:
Addressing Council
Members of the public may contact members of Council at any time via email, and I encourage everyone to provide thoughts about out upcoming budget. The City is also asking residents to provide suggestions for how we might be able to adjust programs or services to reduce expenses using an online forum. Members of the public who wish to address Council in-person or virtually may contact Legislative services to register to speak.
Postponed motions
Postponed motions are motions of members of Council to change parts of the 2021 proposed budget. So far, the following proposals have been made and will be debated starting on November 24:
That the operating budget be reduced by $19,909 to reduce residential attraction permanently.
That the operating budget be reduced by $57,600 to reduce tourism supports temporarily.
That the operating budget be reduced by $16,600 to permanently eliminate the Athlete & Artist Development Grant.
That the operating budget be permanently reduced by $300,000 to meet only the mandatory 20% municipal FCSS contribution.
That the operating budget be increased by $5000 to offer the Servus Place Halloween Haunt in 2021.
That the operating budget be temporarily reduced by $24,300 to postponed the Mayor’s Celebration of the Arts to 2022.
That the operating budget be temporarily reduced by $29,700 to reduce recreation and sport community group services.
That the operating budget be temporarily reduced by $220,000 by reducing the annual transfer to the Public Art Reserve for 2021 to zero.
That the operating budget for Canada Day Event in 2021 be temporarily reduced by $50,000.
That the Mayor's special Events budget be lowered from the $28,300 it has been for the last number of years to $20,000 to reflect more accurate actual spending.
That the recommended operating business case Mayor’s Task Force to End Homelessness–Social Housing Specialist be funded in the amount $82,000.
That the Students Ride Free transit program is added as a permanent service level. Or, if that fails: That the Students Ride Free transit program is extended to December 31, 2021 and that a business case for making this a permanent service level be presented for the 2022 budget.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors.