Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Last week + Budget 2021 Meetings

Last week highlights

With active covid cases reaching new highs in the last week, it warms my heart to hear about how residents, community groups, and our staff are stepping up to take care of our community. Thanks to staff for moving quickly to get outdoor ice rinks open (the weather is cooperating for the earliest season ever!), to the St. Albert Nordic Ski Club for track-setting the amazing cross-country ski trails at River Lot 56, and to everyone showing kindness at a time when many of us are feeling worn out. At a time when local businesses need our support more than ever, I’m also thankful for the work of the St. Albert Chamber of Commerce and their #ShareTheCheerShopHere campaign; Check out their contest online.

Recycling Council of Alberta: Chemical Recycling

Thanks to the Recycling Council of Alberta for hosting a webinar about chemical recycling - It’s exciting learning about the businesses and technologies being used across Canada to tackle one of the greatest challenges of the modern world.

State of the City Address

Thank you to the St. Albert Chamber of Commerce for hosting the hybrid in-person/virtual Mayor’s Address for 2020. Prior to this event, I was also happy to host one of the virtual breakout rooms with a group of attendees to discuss the state of the city, and the opportunities and challenges of the years to come.

Watch as Mayor Cathy Heron reflects on the current state of the city and shares details on Council's priorities for the future.

2021 Budget Feedback Meetings

Council met virtually with both the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and representatives of our volunteer Committees of Council to get feedback about the City’s priorities and opportunities in the 2021 budget. These are the last of the engagements for feedback on the budget, with a report on all feedback expected next week.

Agenda highlights

Council is scheduled to meet Tuesday (2pm) for a continuation of budget discussions. Members of the public can register to address Council at the start of this meeting, then we’ll move in camera for items related to Public Works and Human Resources. Of interest, the following are some of the proposed motions that individual members of Council have brought forward to consider for the 2021 budget. All proposed motions, including the mover, can be viewed on our website.

  • That the operating budget be reduced by $16,600 to permanently eliminate the Athlete & Artist Development Grant.

  • That the operating budget be permanently reduced by $300,000 to meet only the mandatory 20% municipal FCSS contribution. (Note: We’ve been getting a lot of emails about this proposal - Please note that the mayor specifically indicated in her notice that she “will follow this up with a motion after the Recovery Task Force report is tabled to find better ways to assist the not-for-profit recipients through shared services, space etc.”)

  • That the operating budget be increased by $5000 to offer the Servus Place Halloween Haunt in 2021.

  • That the public art operating budget be temporarily reduced to zero by reducing the annual transfer to the Public Art Reserve for 2021 from a maximum of $220,000 to zero…

  • That the Recreation & Parks operating budget for Canada Day Event in 2021 be temporarily reduced by $50,000.

  • That the first phase of the Oakmont Trail Phase 2 Development move from unfunded to funded in 2021. (This is the unfinished section of the trail along the north side of the river by Oakmont. Costs include $298,400 in 2021, followed by almost $2M in 2023/24/25. Full project charter starting on page 205 of the proposed budget. )

  • That Facility Water & Energy Audits ($50,500) move from unfunded to funded in 2021. (This is a one-time study to look at “energy and water retrofits to date and identify any new opportunities”. Full project charter starting on page 194 of the proposed budget. For full disclosure, this is my motion, but I might withdraw it because we still haven’t implemented all the 2015 recommendations.)

  • That Cogeneration ($60,600) move from unfunded to funded in 2021. (Back in 2015 after our original water/energy audit, Stantec recommended a cogeneration plant at Servus Place. In 2021, we’d invest in design, with the build cost of $900,000-$1M occurring in 2022. Estimated annual savings are $96,000, so this would be a 10-year payback project. Full project charter starting on page 240 of the proposed budget.)

  • That the Akinsdale Pickleball courts are completed with sound barrier fencing for $98,000, funded from the capital reserve. (Note: This was defeated unanimously back when in was considered in April.)

  • That the electrical franchise fee rate increase is postponed until 2022.

This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors.

Budget + Last week + Regular Council Meeting November 30, 2020

Last weeks + Regular Council Meeting November 16, 2020