Agenda highlights
Active Communities Alberta (ACA) - Value for Money Assessment
As a continuation to last week’s presentation on the ACA project, Administration is recommending that Council accept the report as information.
ACA - Request for Admin recommendations
Mayor Heron has given notice that she intends to move “That by November 2nd 2020 administration present recommendations on the value for money report for the Active Communities Alberta business case as well as next steps for the development of a future recreation facility”. I’m told that Admin has the capacity to provide a recommendation within this time frame, but I’m concerned about Admin being directed to wade into a quasi-political decision. My tentative thoughts on this matter are that if we want to develop recreation services through a third-party provider, we should determine which amenities are our priority (aquatics, ice, etc.), then issue a request-for-proposal through our procurement process and select the vendor that best meets community needs.
Face Coverings Bylaw Update
Admin has brought back the face covering bylaw for review at the direction of Council. They are recommending that the bylaw stay in effect to follow the continued recommendations of the Chief Medical Officer of Health of Alberta regarding masks. They are further recommending amendments to increase clarity around the definition of “face covering” to match provincial recommendations, and to require businesses to display signs outlining bylaw requirements.
Kingswood Park - Land Use Bylaw (1st reading)
This is to update the plan for Kingwood to allow a park to be developed. This neighbourhood has been waiting for a park for almost 40 years, but there were delays because the land owner opposed the possibility of a school site being developed here. I would be surprised if there was much opposition to the amendment. As with all first readings for the LUB, this motion is to get a public hearing scheduled and to start advertising for the proposed change.
Light fixtures in back alleyways
Mayor Heron is moving to rescind a motion she made in 2016 that directed Admin to draft policy to “ensure back lanes are paved and include standardized light fixtures standard in back alleys”. The back-story to this is that the intent behind the original motion (that alleyways have safety features like lighting) was interpreted as requiring FORTIS-installed lights installed, which wasn’t Mayor Heron’s intent. This interpretation requires lights to be installed as municipal infrastructure at the developers cost, but that city would be responsible for through operation/maintenance on an ongoing basis. Rescinding the motion would remove the interpretation that city-maintained lighting is required.
2021 Budget - Alternative Courses of Action
This motion is to direct Admin to provide Council with three options in our proposed budget:
No reductions to services or service levels, and the tax increase required to achieve this result;
A zero percent tax increase, and proposed reductions to services or service levels required to achieve this result; and
A mid-point approach between 1 and 2, with relatively modest reductions to services or service levels and a tax increase less than what would be required to maintain status quo services and service levels.
This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors.