Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Last week + GPFC Meeting September 9, 2019

Last week + GPFC Meeting September 9, 2019

Last week

Last week marked my first as Deputy Mayor this year - With Mayor Heron attending AUMA events in Lethbridge for much of the week, I attended a few more events than I typically would!

Morinville Chamber of Commerce Luncheon with Keynote Speaker MLA Dale Nally

The day after the McKinnon Report was released, I attended the Morinville Chamber lunch where MLA Nally gave the keynote address. This was a well-attended event and it was great seeing representatives out from Sturgeon County, Morinville, and the business community.

Jessie’s House (Jessica Martel Foundation)

I spoke at length with the Executive Director of the Jessica Martel Foundation after the Chamber event - with no stage-1 emergency housing available or planned for those fleeing domestic violence in St. Albert, I’m pleased that their facility will serve St. Albert when it opens in 2020.

YEGBike - St. Albert

It was great to finally meet up with the local YEGBike crew this season! As featured in the Gazette a few weeks back, this is a group of passionate local cyclists who meet up before work for coffee & conversation.

Emergency Management Advisory Committee Meeting

Councillors McKay, Watkins and I met with the team leading our emergency management plan for our annual EMAC meeting. I feel confident that we’re in good hands. Our team would also like to remind residents that their Emergency Preparedness Guide is available to help families prepare - They come with a magnet on the back, so mine is already on the side of my fridge!

Strive 4 Work Program Graduation

I was delighted to speak on behalf of the mayor to this group on enthusiastic graduates of this program that helps St. Albertans develop employment skills and supports local employers in integrating employees with disabilities into their organizations. It was heartwarming hearing of the businesses that support this program - Thanks to Cajun House, The Grapevine Deli, LoSeCa, Marshalls, Lowes, and other businesses for their commitment to their community! (If you know of a business interested in being involved in this program, please let EmployAbilities know.)

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Agenda highlights

This will be my first time chairing a GPFC meeting, so wish me luck figuring out the voting controls on our computers!

Payhonin Reconciliation Circle Recommendations

We respectfully acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, traditional lands of First Nations and Metis peoples. As treaty People, Indigenous and non-Indigenous, we share the responsibility for stewardship of this beautiful land.

Apakosis, the consultant engaged by the City to prepare recommendations relating to reconciliation in St. Albert has released its report; GPFC will discuss the 13 recommendations presented, which range from where to fly Treaty 6 and Métis flags, to building permanent spaces to honour the history of the land and First Nations people, to the adoption of a land acknowledgement at City events.

Community Capital Program Grant - Policy Amendments

The Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) has recommended to Council the following amendments to this grant program that fund capital projects of community groups:

  • Increase the cap for playground replacements from $60,000 to $100,000 (or 1/3 of the budget, whichever is lower).

  • That unallocated funds be carried forward for use in future years.

  • Increasing available funding from the $250,000 that has been static since the policy was implemented in 2009.

Master Rates Bylaw

The 2020 budget season has started. This is the introduction of rates (development permits, business licence fees, recreational memberships, facility rentals, etc.) for next year, with amendments being proposed within the next few weeks, and debate happening in mid-October.

Some of the proposed changes include:

  • For fire code safety inspections, we charge $125 for for a 2nd/subsequent inspections after deficiencies haven’t been corrected after an inspection; Admin is proposing that for 3rd/subsequent inspections, the fee be set at $500.

  • Demolition permits decreased from $182 to $77.

  • Development fees for stripping and grading double to $388 and $1,092.

  • Development application fees for higher density (10+ units) residential subdivision fees increase from $3,170 to $6,000.

  • The addition of a $350 after-hours electrical inspection fee.

  • Almost all of the fees for Fountain Park, Servus Place, skating facilities are increasing - I can’t easily scan through the numbers to see how much they’ve increased by (PDFs don’t transfer into Excel easily!), but at quick glance, it looks like mostly 1-5% increases. I’ll ask admin for details on Monday.

This is a brief high-level overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. As always, I also encourage everyone who is able to tune in the the live-stream of the meeting (1pm here) or attend in-person (3rd floor of St. Albert Place, hang a right getting out of the elevator). You can also register to speak if you have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Last week + Regular Council Meeting September 16, 2019

Last week + Regular Council Meeting September 16, 2019

Last week + Regular Council Meeting September 3, 2019

Last week + Regular Council Meeting September 3, 2019