Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Regular Council Meeting October 21, 2019

Regular Council Meeting October 21, 2019

It’s officially been two years since this Council was elected - time flies!

Agenda highlights

Jarome Iginla Arena Lifecycle Repairs ($2,247,700)

Administration is recommending that we change the scope of the already-approved work being completed on the Jerome Iginla (Akinsdale) arena. This wouldn’t require additional funding as the change of scope would still be within the approved budget, but it would mean that we’re pushing off at least one aspect of the repairs. I think what Admin is recommending is that we should defer the roof replacement, and instead to replace the ice chiller/condenser rather than complete minor repairs on the system to “allow for an ice plant which is more efficient, has improved safety design, uses less ammonia on site, and longer life than the components currently onsite”. Admin might also be recommending that we add replacement of some flooring, but the agenda report isn’t clear on the new scope. If this is approved, repairs to the 40-year-old roof would be deferred - deficiencies are more cosmetic than structural - and funded at a later date. Two weeks ago, Council also approved $604,600 to upgrade the ammonia system, which appears to be included in this project. In the backgrounder, there is also a reference to a “Strong Refrigeration Report”, but I’m not sure when this report was provided to Council. I’m sure Admin will clarify the recommended scope change and deferrals during our meeting.

Jensen Lakes ASP & Land Use amendments - 1st readings

Amendments to the Jensen Lakes Area Structure Plan and related changes to the Land Use Bylaw are being proposed. First reading is intended to provide the public with time to review the proposal before the public hearings in January, 2020. Proposed changes include:

“The multiple family site that was originally located in the southeast area near Walmart is relocated to the northwest portion of the neighbourhood. Relocation is required as stormwater management facility (SWMF) #1 was enlarged based upon detailed engineering design criteria. As such, the original multiple family site was impacted due to the increased stormwater management land requirements.

The park in the south central neighbourhood park east of the church site has been replaced with a smaller park located on the south boundary of the ASP, which also provides pedestrian access to Villeneuve Road;

The park west of the church site has increased in size; The northwest neighbourhood park that was separated north of Fowler Way has been reallocated to the western portion of the Plan area, with one park within close proximity to medium density residential and commercial sites and a second park located in the southwest portion of the Plan area;

The park space bordering <the stormwater facility> has been reconfigured; and a connector park has been added along the north border in the centre of the Plan Area.

The commercial site in the northwest has changed shape, with accesses from Fowler Way, Hogan Road, and an internal local road.”

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Governance Restructuring

As discussed at Committee last week, Councillor Hansen will be moving that we change some of our governance structure. Changes could include reducing the number of Council meetings, changing the time(s) of our meetings, removing the expectation that Councillors attend Citizen Committee meetings, and replacing our Governance, Priorities and Finance Committee with two committees comprising of only half of Council members each.

This is a brief and incomplete overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. As always, I also encourage everyone who is able to tune in the the live-stream of the meeting (3pm here) or attend in-person (3rd floor of St. Albert Place, hang a right getting out of the elevator). You can also register to speak if you have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Last week + Regular Council Meeting October 28, 2019

Last week + Regular Council Meeting October 28, 2019

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Last week + GPFC October 14, 2019