Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Happy New Year + Regular Council Meeting January 7, 2019

Happy New Year + Regular Council Meeting January 7, 2019

Happy 2019!

Last couple weeks:

Homeland Housing Board Meeting: I was in Westlock for the last board meeting of the year a few days after our last Council meeting. I’m looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish for affordable housing in St. Albert in the new year!

EMS Ride-Along: I wore a stab-resistant vest for the first time! Our Emergency Services department accommodated my request to go for a ride-along, so I spent a full shift with a couple of our paramedic/firefighters to learn more about their service. Thanks so much to Dan & Andrew for teaching me about their jobs as paramedics and firefighters, and for everyone else who showed me how they investigate fires and manage other emergencies. It was helpful to see firsthand what it’s like for an ambulance to move through St. Albert and how it works transporting/admitting patients to the hospital as a paramedic. I continue to be impressed with the professionalism and dedication of our paramedics/firefighters.


Agenda highlights:


Let’s try this again! This decision was delayed in December pending information about the impact of requiring that organizations only receive one municipal grant for a particular expense, and other changes regarding accountability.

The Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC) has recommended that the following organizations receive operating grants in 2019. These program-specific grants are a partnership between the province and the city.

  • Sidekicks Program operated by St. Albert Community Information and Volunteer Centre (CIVC) - $43,818

  • Information and Referral Program operated by St. Albert Community Information and Volunteer Centre (CIVC) - $70,920

  • Volunteer Centre Program operated by St. Albert Community Information and Volunteer Centre (CIVC) - $70,920

  • Family Life Education Program operated by the St. Albert Family Resource Centre (FRC) - $198,191

  • Community Liaison Program operated by the St. Albert Community Village and Food Bank - $62,991

  • SAIF Education Program operated by St. Albert Stop Abuse in Families Society (SAIF) - $36,975

  • Youth Counselling Program operated by St. Albert Stop Abuse in Families Society (SAIF) - $38,280

  • Seniors Support Program operated by the St. Albert Seniors Association - $79,963

The awarded organizations also received funding through the Outside Agency Grant Program for 2019: $29,491 for CIVC, $46,592 for SAIF, $43,050 for FRC, $73,763 for the food bank, and $239,617 for the Seniors Association.

Heritage Advisory Committee 2018-2021 Workplan

It looks like a committee member wasn’t available to present the HAC annual report, so a member of administration is presenting an updated workplace for the next couple years. In August, we asked that the Committee review it’s plan as the one presented to us was both ambitious and administrative. The updated plan includes reviewing and adding to the potential Heritage Site inventory, creating application forms, and creating communications and recognition plans.

HAC meeting minutes and agendas are now available on the city website.

Coalmine Road - Partial Closure (2nd & 3rd readings)

This is to consider closing a portion of Coal Mine Road at Eastgate Way / Eastgate Way North. Please come out to speak for 5pm if you have a strong opinion about this proposal - I suspect the will be a lineup of speakers as we’ve already heard from many residents and non-residents about the impact of this closure, both for and against. I’ll be asking how pedestrian and cycling traffic will be accommodated should the road be closed to motor vehicles, for responses to concerns from Sturgeon County, and about the recommended traffic safety changes in other areas should the closure move forward.


Residential Speed Limits + Traffic Bylaw Changes (1st, 2nd, 3rd reading)

As discussed last month, this includes reducing the speed limits in Lacombe Park, Erin Ridge, and Downtown to 40km/h.

Backyard Hens (1st, 2nd, 3rd reading)

As discussed last month, this is to finalize our chicken bylaw. Highlights:

  • No roosters allowed!

  • Maximum of 4 hens/household

  • No home slaughtering!

  • Coops/runs have to be kept tidy

  • No selling eggs!

  • Coops only allowed in rear yards

  • Licences are required ($40/year/household)

Rescinding Branch Library Borrowing Bylaw

Prior to the last election, a borrowing bylaw was approved to move forward the branch library project. Since that time, we have decided to move in a different direction for library services, so this is a housekeeping motion to remove the option for borrowing for a branch.

This is a brief high-level overview of highlights from our meeting agenda, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. As always, I also encourage everyone who is able to tune in the the live-stream of the meeting (3pm here) or attend in-person (3rd floor of St. Albert Place, hang a right getting out of the elevator). You can also register to speak if you have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Last week + Regular Council Meeting January 14, 2019

Last week + Regular Council Meeting January 14, 2019

Regular Council Meeting December 17, 2018

Regular Council Meeting December 17, 2018