Last week
On top of our regular council meeting and budget meeting, last week was a week of training.
Alternate capital financing training session: Council learned about different methods of financing big projects (like for Ray Gibbon, Servus Place, Project 9 sewer line, etc.).
Photo enforcement and traffic engineering training session: Council learned about photo laser (not radar!), road design, crosswalks, traffic signals, and enforcement.
Agenda highlights
Community Recognition Program
This motion is to add “Environmental Stewardship” to the list of categories in the Community Recognition Program. Do you know anyone in the Arts, Business, Sports, Community Service, or Environmental Stewardship who should be recognized? Nominate them by February 15!
Games Legacy Program (25¢/capita)
Did you know that the Games Legacy Program is a grant? Did you know that it’s for both amateur athletes as well as artists, and events/capital funding for eligible not-for-profit groups? Yeah, a lot of people were confused about the name, too.
This Community Services Advisory Committee has recommended a name change to "Athlete and Artist Development Grant” to provide clarity. They have also recommended increase the maximum award amounts since they haven’t been looked at since 2011. The overall funding of 25¢/capita won’t change, but the maximum eligible amount for awards is recommended to change by:
Category “A” (Providing “developmental opportunities in amateur sport or the arts through programs or projects that are beyond the groups or individuals regular training, development or instruction”):
Increase from $2,500 to $3,000 maximum grant.
Increase from $1,000 to $1,200 for maximum equipment grant.
Category “B” (“financial support to assist individuals or teams/groups for travel and accommodation costs associated with national or international sport championships or arts events”):
Individual: maximum grant of $800 per person for events within North America; maximum grant of $900 per person for events outside continental North America.
Groups: maximum grant of $500 (from $750) per person to a maximum of $5,000 (from $1500) per team/group for events within North America; maximum grant of $600 (from $750) per person to a maximum of $6,000 (from $1500) per team/group for travel outside of continental North America. *Four or more participants from the same team/group are considered under the “group” stream.
The rationale for groups having a lower maximum grant amount includes:
- groups tend to organize larger event fundraisers (bingo, raffles, steak nights)
- groups have more opportunity to utilize charters or block discounts for travel and hotel - groups can house participants together thus sharing and decreasing accommodation expenses.
Municipal Naming Policy Amendments
This is to consider simplifying the (street, building, park) naming process.
Expressions of Interest for Recreation Facility
In July, Council directed Admin to seek out non-binding pitches from interested parties regarding a new rec facility that include ice, aquatics, and community facilities.
“Six submissions were received and evaluated based on criteria as indicated in the EOI <and> an initial breakdown of the analysis has been included in Administrative Report - EOI Rec Facilities Confidential Update for Council consideration. This information has been presented confidentially in accordance with Sections 16 and 24 of the <FOIP Act>…” which means that details aren’t publicly available.
This is a brief high-level overview of highlights from our meeting agenda, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. As always, I also encourage everyone who is able to tune in the the live-stream of the meeting (3pm here) or attend in-person (3rd floor of St. Albert Place, hang a right getting out of the elevator). You can also register to speak if you have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.