Natalie Joly is a Councillor for the City of St. Albert. Thank you, St. Albert, for your support.

Last Week + Regular Council Meeting January 29, 2018

Last week:

The Edmonton Metro Regional Board hosted an Energy Corridors forum, looking at the history of utility, transportation, and pipeline corridor planning in the province and Edmonton region. A few of us from council attended.

The Homeland Housing board held its regular meeting in Westlock, where I attended as the St. Albert Council appointee. I look forward to additions to St. Albert's affordable seniors housing market with the expansion of North Ridge Place expected to open in 2018! We also discussed the Homeland Housing Morinville Community Affordable Housing Project, which will "assist people in all age groups, including seniors and persons with special needs." 

Agenda Overview:

2018 planned Public Art Projects 

The Public Art Advisory Committee has made recommendations for 2018 public art projects, in line with council policy. With $402K in the the reserve for public art acquisition, the committee is recommending withdrawing $227K for this year's projects.

Motion - Sturgeon River Valley and Natural Areas Protection Policy 

"That Administration develop a policy and conservation plan that protects the river valley area, other natural areas, and protects parkland by <DATE>." 

If passed, this plan would be at an estimated cost of $150K, and in addition to: Related policies in the Municipal Development Plan, Environmental Master Plan (2014), City of St. Albert Natural Areas Assessment (2015), City of St. Albert Natural Area Conservation and Management Plan (2015), State of the Sturgeon River Watershed Report (2012), River Edge Enhancement Plan Updated Report (2011), Red Willow Park Master Plan (1999), Red Willow Park West Master Plan (2003), Red Willow Park West Master Plan Update (currently being undertaken), Urban Forest Management Plan (2017), Grey Nuns White Spruce Forest Recommended Management Plan (2014), and Guidelines for the Protection of Natural Areas in Timberlea Neighbourhood (2007).  

white breasted nuthatch in St. Albert, Alberta

Motion - Skating Rink Splash Pad Combination Facilities 

This motion is to have administration look into the possibility of building a multi-purpose outdoor area that would serve both as a refrigerated outdoor skating facility and summer facility, such as a splash park or ball hockey rink. 

Motion - Seniors Council

This motion is to add a committee of council, similar to the Youth Committee, which would report to council on issues affecting seniors. This would be in addition to the Senior Working Group (under the umbrella of Strategy and Mobilization Committee) and Seniors United Now (SUN).

Motion - Conceptual Design Options - St. Albert Transportation Network 

At Council's Strategic Planning Session earlier this month, we all agreed that improvements to the St. Albert Transportation Network are a priority; This motion is a joint effort to specifically have administration provide short, medium, and long-term solutions that impact traffic on Ray Gibbon Drive. The proposed cost to fund conceptual design options is $125K. 

Motion - Council Workshops

I'll withdraw my motion to add advertising requirements in the Council Procedure Bylaw for council workshops and other informal learning and feedback opportunities because, as workshops are not official meetings, the Procedure Bylaw is not the appropriate location for this policy. I will still work with council to look at options for how we can let residents and media know about the purpose of the sessions, and the results. (Since I've been on council, we've met to go over: recommendations to update the Procedure Bylaw, an introduction to the Smart City Challenge, a tour of the bus depot, an introduction to a proposed ASP...)

Motion - Notice of Motion

Often, there is no way for residents or media to know about notices of motion submitted by email unless they're read aloud at the end of a council meeting. This motion is to tighten up the procedure bylaw to require that notices are either read in chambers, or the city provides a news release when the next council meeting is more than one week from notice. 

Motion - Swimming Lessons at Servus Place 

This motion is to require Servus Place to provide swimming lessons during low-demand times starting in September 2018, and until additional pool space is constructed.

This is a brief high-level overview of our meetings, with my personal comments sprinkled in - In no way are my opinions representative of the official direction of council or the City of St. Albert. Please let me know of any typos or errors. As always, I also encourage everyone who is able to tune in the the live-stream of the meeting (3pm here) or attend in-person (3rd floor of St. Albert Place, hang a right getting out of the elevator). You can also register to speak if you have information to present to council. Full agenda packages can be found on the website.

Last Week + Regular Council Meeting February 5, 2018

Last Week + GPFC Meeting January 22, 2018